While I was waiting for my fictional books to arrive in the mail because in the winter I sometimes turn into a bookworm if the sun is not at the minimum of 45 degrees, I picked up something else.
Swami Vivekananda said-
“The sum total of the forces of joy and pain that are at work here on earth always remains the same. We simply shift these forces from one side to the other and back again, but the sum total will remain the same.”
I checked him out immediately because it didn’t sit well with me. He was a yogi and philosopher that brought Hinduism to America. He lived only a short 39 years and predicted his death.
A very productive person. He wrote many books; the famous book ‘Karma Yoga’, which is the yoga of action, and ‘Bhakti Yoga’, the yoga of devotion. These are all concepts that came from the famous Bhagavad Gita. Vivekananda was like a processor- accumulating knowledge and bringing it out to the world according to his perceptions.
And yet, a tiny red alert in my head called it to attention.
Basically, he said that pain and joy is not controlled, and we cannot eliminate pain because there is an x amount of it, and it is permanent. Existing energy.
So, if you are in pain and you manage to heal- this pain must go and manifest somewhere else.
I managed to hold my posture and didn’t get frustrated because I have respect for the eastern yogis, many of them worked for many years and brought it to us on a plate. I looked at the world to evaluate what he said about pain and joy. Maybe he knew something.
But the thought that we cannot transmute energies and totally change their structure is unacceptable to me because then we can close the booth and go home.
Then again, in another quote he said:
“Man was born in order to subdue the great mother, Nature. Not in order to follow her!”
At this point, I wondered if he incarnated again, and if yes… Silicon Valley working on subduing…?
Don’t follow mother nature. Maybe he has seen too many tigers in his life? And maybe he was born into high caste and didn’t like the mud on the elephants and dumping cows in the streets of India like most people- and was dazzled but the clean cities of America back in the day. And maybe he meant subdue as ‘to master’, it is a possibility. Because what does subdue mean? Overcome, defeat, conquer, crush- but also mallow, soften, and master. And maybe all he needed is to subdue himself.
Go subdue yourself. I must use it… it’s too great.
I looked at the world, it might be a sad truth that the amount of pain never seems to go anywhere- and as the joy raises its pitch in the world- the pain (mental/emotional) grows too. And for every enlightened being who releases himself from the circle of rebirth (the illusion of samsara)- another soul is born to explore the illusion, new, and unaware of itself. Maybe.
Maybe the world is a school, like my father said.
But it is like saying that the universe never grows, never changes, and will never be anything but what you see around, give or take the changing background of societal achievement. I think I need to go and find a doctor to prescribe me some antidepressants for that thought only. Just kidding, I am sure it is not that bad.
I said ‘the universe’ and not ‘the world’ because everything on this planet came from somewhere in the universe and put together in a harmonized symphony manifested into physical. It is all from the same old source. Earth too.
I know that some people think that earth was invaded by universal beings, but other structures and beings are way older than earth- earth is like the last station of evolution- it didn’t just pop up, it was created layer by layer. Every organ in your body, every animal you see, every tree and every element were constructed by the universal energies. “oh, you think you can do this? Ready? Go to earth! If you make it out- you go back to true source. Good lucky.”
And what I am saying here is that nobody in the universe is the owner of knowing how it will act. Because each and every being is just a piece of the greater source- no matter how large the council you belong to because it is all a philosophy of beings chatting with one another consuming the energy of love that consists them. They can only know so far as a good calculation of prediction can take them- and there are always few possibilities at that- now, I am not talking about a prediction for next year, even I can do it (but I won’t)- I am talking about putting the universe in a box and stamp it with an axiom of this is how it works.
Look at what they did in Revelations. These are beings that thought they knew, and in their minds the best way to incite people for action was to scare them with monsters and angels’ end of the time story. “Take that pill John…” lol
For example, the law of attraction works differently from one level of being to another. Actually, any universal law changes as you change. So…? So, it is always changing. And we can only act in the parameters of what we know- and it can feel as if this is all there is because it is all you can see. This goes across the universe.
Anyone that ever wrote, or thought, or meditated for gazillion years, or took a pill- maybe is called a master, a yogi, a guru, a god, or whatever titles and names people tagged them because they carried some light that was beyond the known (because it is a whoa-ha on this planet)- cannot predict something like what Vivekananda said.
So let me change the quote a tidbit:
“The sum total of the forces of joy and pain that are at work here on earth may change at any time. We simply shift our awareness to be open to the truth of change itself, and the realization that those energies are just two ends of the same circle- touching each other.”
Now the second quote:
“Man was born in order to subdue himself to the great mother, Nature. And she will reveal her inner secrets to him.”
I am not going to get into another debatable quote here, although I found it… because the next one has wings of its own.
I guess times have changed. I am sure you are not in Silicon valley Mr. Vivekananda- I was just joking around, and appreciate everything you have done in the world.