Last night I had a movie in my head.
I think I have a happy giggly spirit in my bathroom, and it comes out especially in the shower. Maybe it likes the scent of my 10 different shampoos, and three different soaps that I use (sometimes all at once), maybe it likes the water, or maybe it is just the pink scrub gloves- who knows.
It has been a review day. I woke up already tired from day before with projects that I keep on piling like my shampoos all over the place, people are coming and going (the real reason I don’t podcasts), I am huffing and puffing pollen all day- I stopped.
My back hurts, go away project, I don’t care about you. You were supposed to be fun, and here I am working for you- and for free. Buzz off.
Shut off.
I don’t have real silence. I have a bullfrog and many of his (I assume) lady frogs, loads of birds that talk all day, hummingbirds that likes attention and buckets of sugar, and three dogs that can run free all the way to Katmandu- but wants me to go with them.
It is magic.
Yesterday, I thought about it. Like a little review… am I good? Do I want this? What else do I want? What would I change? Of course, I am never good enough to stay put in my life only, I have to look at the global state. See the players, the map, the game. Scratch my head. Boy, we got some work to do here. Oh, well, they will do it- and I’ll take a day off before going on with projections of projects all over the place. Stuff to do things to accomplish- as my asteroid friend used to say.
And here comes the end of the day shower.
And the happy spirit makes me turn my head up to watch a comedy:
“It is all because of you!” said the pleiadean to the reptiles.
“Us? What did we do? It is all because of the dragon- it made us.”
“Shh… don’t say dragon you will wake the beast!”, Bambaruush jumped into the conversation.
The dragon turned his head, and everyone took a step back.
“let’s go to the other room” whispered the Pleiadean.
“No, the zeelles are there, and they are so unevolved! They think it is all about manifestation”, said the reptile.
“It’s not?” asked the Pleiadean.
“You idiots! It is about vibration! We can’t wait for you to leave already!”, said the reptile.
“What? We are not leaving! You are leaving! You and your AI! So stupid!” said the Pleiadean.
“ We didn’t do it! It’s the acturians and humans, they stole it from the zeelles- I saw it!”, said the reptile.
“Don’t bring humans into it, now, now, you know you messed them up!”, the Pleiadean huffed at him.
“I suggest you all be quiet, or I’ll squeeze it! and nobody gets out of here…” said the dragon.
The reptile pushed his elbow into the pleiadean side and whispered, “do you have connection with the andromedins…? They have real tech I heard.”
“Those assholes? They will never come, call themselves the Eye… rummers say they messed it all up- and we are just their puppets…. Can’t stand them!”, the reptile said quickly.
They didn’t notice the human sitting on a rocking chair in the corner of the room. Charli. Charli put his beer down, got up and walked to the dragon.
“Excuse me sir”, said Charli.
“Yeah?...” said the dragon with smug anticipation.
“How much for the ride?”, Charli asked
“Solve the riddle in this cosmos, and we will lift off.” Smiled the dragon.
“Oh, yes, I got it. Blame it on me. I did it.” Said Charli quietly, “I’ll pay for them”.
“Jump on boy!”, said the dragon in satisfaction.
The zeelle came running from the other room because he was eavesdropping, the andromedin eye plopped out of its socket, the pleiadean and the reptile dismantled into thin air.
The dragon looked at Charli already mounted on his back, “where do we go?”
“My friends are throwing a barbeque in Kansas, let’s go there!”
Of course, waking up from history is not an easy task, especially when it is written all over our bodies, and planet. And I wouldn’t read too much into my comedy because the story is never that simple, but it sure as hell is funny.