The only thing a person needs to do is to recognize that there is a need for healing and take the first step.
It is the law of attraction, quantum physics, that brings you the matching energies.
You make a gesture that creates a movement towards it, and that movement starts to propel itself into more movements and you follow the trail. There is a good reason why there are all kind of wise old sayings, such as, ask and you shall receive, look for it and you will find it.
If you are looking to buy a bug, suddenly you are going to see beetles everywhere, but if you are looking to buy a Honda, and you suddenly see Beetles everywhere- what does it mean?
To start the healing, ask yourself some questions: What is the true motive behind the process of my thought? One thought at a time… Is there a projection in my attitude? What is it in me that is already habitual behavior of someone that has been hurt and do I cover/hide something? am I aware of it? Is there a repeated pattern in my life?
Some people need to start with their childhood, and some people healed themselves from childhood traumas, but over the years things happen and you can accumulate new ways of behaviors that snuck in based on new events that have shaken you. Â Â
A trauma can be something as simple as being insulted while you were open, or you were wronged and you automatically made a behavior change based on it, but it can also be something much deeper than that.
We are living in a world that in many pockets it is organized based on trauma, just look around you. Not only most people are living with accumulated traumas, but society itself is fixing rules based on hurt and constantly adding more rules according to hurts that has been reported. Rules and regulations are born because of people that have advanced trauma harmed other people- it is simple, just think about it. Of course, it is not all bad, learning from experience is a good thing. But what if society learning process is all wrong?
What if those accumulations are all wrong and we don’t have a real idea about the world, the universe? What if instead of learning from experience we can invent something totally new out of thin air?
After all, the law of attraction has been here since the dawn of the universe, yet physics discovered it only around 1930, so what else we don’t know that is here working underneath the surface?
Everybody knows that we are using a fraction of our brain, and everybody knows that there is a dark matter that is avoided because ‘they’ are still trying to figure it out. What if god the creator is hiding in plain sight?
And yet,
The reality is that many people are suffering from trauma even if it’s hard to detect sometimes because there are accepted terms and codes of behavior that we got used to, and they are not natural to the being that you are.
Do you remember yourself as a child?
I do. I have memories since I was about two-tree years old. I was soaking it all in.
When I was about 5 years old, I loved to sing in the staircase of our building. It was just a 4-door building with two flights of stairs, and it had a narrow long window in between the stair. The echo was incredibly strong because it was a brick building, and I just loved it.  One day I was singing and playing with the echo, making my music, and my sister opened the door of the apartment and screamed at me to shut up. I didn’t think anyone can hear me because I wasn’t so loud, so the last thing I expected is her coming out to yell at me and tell me what she thinks. I didn’t sing for many years after that. It is not because I was afraid of my sister, but it was because of the surprise and the startle. Little as it was, it was a trauma.
This little thing caused so much damage that it was hard for me to find my voice for a long time. It was many years later, sometime in my 20’s, that I suddenly remembered why I am not singing.
The human spirit body is very malleable and sensitive, and in children the spirit is more active because the brain, the front lobe, is developing. This is why children are like sponge, recording without filters and judgement.Â
Trauma can be a hard thing to release if we are not aware of the spirit that locked that trauma in our body. There are many spirits, and in general, spirit is a recorder and acts like a transportation of the recording. It is the form that holds memory or consciousness depending how evolved it is. Consciousness is that thing that learns inside us and depends on the persons awareness, it connects to the likes of it.
It is how awareness grows and evolves. In this world, we are enveloped in different subtle bodies and those imprint on our body and create it, it is the image, the blue print. We call it spirit, and what it is, is the recording of everything that brought us up to this point.
What brought you here is your experience from your DNA and from your RNA, it is the memory across time and space plus your lineage. Whatever is in it, it is what imprints your body, and from here you make more experiences, you build on top of it.
PTSD for example, is created because the experience was in a state of shock that triggered hypnosis, trance, and in that state the spirit of your body takes it all in, there are no filters. And now that you have it all in, you have no control over it until you are able to reach that spirit and work with it. The healing is not happening in a beta state because the trauma wasn’t created in that state. And Beta state is where most of us live, the normal awake state.
Healing is available when you realize that there is something in you that is not clicking right, something is off. For example, depression is not a normal state of being, you can patch it with a pill, or you can realize that you need healing. Instead of working on the surface you can take it to the deeper levels of energy, the emotional and mental ideas that brought to that point, and the events that caused them.
But it needs to be recognized first. Â Most of the time, understanding what it is and touching on the emotional place with the correct thought and emotion can release the blockage and let higher vibrations flood in.
To be continued.