I woke up in the morning, in the last few seconds of my dream, seeing a group of lights leaving my space. It must have been a good night. When I need to remember something from it, I wake up. I didn’t wake up that night. Relief.
It has been energetically intense for a few months. It’s about time. Watching, reordering, understanding, growing up. I usually talk about the things I see in the panoramic view of the ether. And as I was grokking it all the way to the last drop- I realized that not everything is for sharing. Not because it is not for sharing, but because the elements that brought the information to me, and the way it was presented mean something to me and it was for my eyes- but also, some concepts are hard to describe in words. I still have tons to share, and I must confess, I might just sound to you like a jingle noise instead of tuning forks chime with this. Eyes of the beholder.
Stripping the old and putting my new garments on. I had my new clothes waiting for me for a long time. I have been examining them somewhat afraid to look so good. I can take the armor off and put the dress on- but I can’t give up the sword yet. Soon it will have to fall off my hand.

The reality is that I am breaking patterns of highly drilled hypnosis over generations of mystic teachings. It is a lot, and I am not alone in this. At the same time- I am making sure that it is not my ego creating new realities. I see it happening all the time.
Ego is a funny thing because on one hand just because we are individuals we have ego- it is the personality. On the other hand- how this personality develops- from what it learns over time- according to the conclusions of those learnings, perception is born. On the third hand (think Ganesh for those extra hands)- you can get out of your own sphere and interact with different perceptions because nobody is an island. And this is how we create large groups of ego- call it souls-group. What are we not to do to learn where we are and who we are? I am talking about the universe. For me, besides life, in the dry sense of it, a soul is like a learning unit- it has all the components of the large universe- but still separated, and until it merges into something ultimate- or disappears- it is still individual and still ego.
Selflessness is not a thought nor ego. But in selflessness, although there can be an act of love and sharing- eventually you have to consider yourself in this world.
We have the power to create realities. The separation of higher worlds and lower worlds is dreamt by larger beings before us. And we are bound in them because we are a part of them. The masters that realized themselves as individuals made a full circle and unified with the one concept. All of them without exception- are calling us to remember. Because it is the universal time for it. Until then, you can move inside this reality- create your own, and when you die you continue the pattern of your own ability to dream. You also match with others and create common dreams to participate in. Matching vibrations and energies.
Or. You wake all the way up. Shake it off. There is no master, no student, no universe because the space in which they exist compressed itself, and you find yourself with the rest of the one. Learning what reality means.
How easy it is to meet a light being, a different being, anybody outside of yourself to sell you the perception that there is something out there that is more glorious or beautiful or knows more than you- especially when you need help. Illusions have no end. Maybe that is why our universe managed to make an out of proportions salad of confusion in the find me if you can game.
We live in a beautiful time. A time when words are magical, and your emotions are the compass to your universe. A time of quiet mind that can hold deep thinking. A time when we receive pearls of wisdom through everything that we are- the experience, the sharing, nature, and from our inner well. What a beautiful creation of inner glow bringing forth god’s expression it is.
In my mind I hear a noise of a long scratch that the inner music mixer is making chchchchchch when I think about the pastor from St. Louis.
The other day, I met a pastor and his mom. They reserved a cabin in my place and when they arrived, the pastor was in horror because of my art, called it witchcraft and idols, and left with his mom walking after him with her apologetic eyes. I was mostly composed about it, hey, usually, other soul groups encounters are a beautiful exchange- but not this time. I met a fanatic.
Well, in my first impulse I rolled laughing because it was so surreal. Then, controlling myself, I asked him to take the film off his eyes and not recite sentences from the bible like a robot when he stands in my living room talking to me in 2023 as if we just jumped in a time machine to the inquisition of the bishop of Castile form the 13th century.
I told him that I am learning from Master Jesus, and I am practicing the teachings and why can’t he see that it is art? He just continued making no sense at all.
I thought I was fair, and after he called my light beams idols again- I asked him if any of them said hi- I couldn’t keep a straight face seeing his reaction. Yeah, surreal indeed. I guess in every age there are those who want to claim god. The authority of the word. What is this and what is that according to their interpretation, and theirs alone. The inability to accept others while ideology rules them.
What makes a person a fanatic?
I don’t know, I can imagine, but I think it is complicated.
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When I say dream, I mean imagination and the power to create with thoughts in the unified field- vision imprints. Most of us are doing it unaware- but there are a few steps any person can take to arrive to the realization of this ability, and actually see it.
You don’t create everything you see of course- it would be madness. Megalomania.
In my consciousness movement, I have been getting down to business. It is a constant growth in understandings of self on so many levels. In this world, everything is folded, and the force that connects me to everything makes me question.
If you look at the human body- every organ is a contribution of essence from a place/space/time in the universe. And every animal, every ecosystem, every unique cluster of something has a meaning and essence from the place it came from. Earth is universal. And do I have something to tell you about that.
But it really comes down to not a lot. For example, that pastor standing in my living room left some energy behind. I could feel it in my stomach and as a thought form that lingered. I mean that he imposed on my peace of mind with his projections- it felt like an invasion for a short while.
At the same place he waited for his mom, about 30ft away from my home- he left a spirit. It was standing there watching my house for a whole day. I saw it first thing in the morning when my mind is in a dream state, but I am awake: I woke up early in the morning and looked out my window to see the human image still standing at the same place- making the same movements he did. It is not normal for me to wake up at dawn or lift up the shades to look out the window. I was impressed and dismayed. I thought about it, and I think anyone that prays all day long (strong belief) and is dedicated to something will have that kind of energy. Seriously, I can play this all day long- I have so much to say about it.
But then, I went out and a close call with a centipede made my body go into fear mode- and I shook it off in 5 seconds because it is just a centipede. If I can shake one off in 5 seconds, I can shake off everything in 5 seconds. It doesn’t matter if it is fear that makes my skin stand, hurt my stomach, a gibididoo spirit, or a thought form. Well, I think it worked because that spirit vanished. Thank you centipede for the reminder.
So, what I am saying is that I might see something in a different reality, or different levels of existence- but it is from this reality that I can open that pocket and clean it. It shrinks, and it comes down to nothing- just a state of knowing.
There are many more beautiful things to be connected to in this world than ugly- but when things come my way to shake me a little, I can do one of two things. One is to feel defeated because we are creating our reality, right? So, if something that doesn’t belong to my energy (according to me) appears- it means I did something wrong, right? If I did something wrong then I am not good enough, right? Here comes the defeat.
And two, I can look at the whole picture, and say: once a week I have a bad 15 minutes in total. Some kind of an experience that reminds me to keep my sword close by and not locked in the closet, alright, I can live with that. Shake it off. Continue.
Every time I realize a truth, I dismantle the force of the world it came from to be imposed on me. But I am looking for that place where I can put my full trust. And if I am not afraid of bad energies whatever form they take, and however they influence my body… then I can trust. Relax. Breathe. And dismantle it in 5 seconds. Something like that. 5 minutes… 5 hours… shoot me if it takes 5 days- lordy lord have mercy!
It may sound like nothing. The truth is that we are influenced by so much, and when we cannot see it- we don’t know what we are dealing with… it comes as depression, physical, mental, and emotional pain that in some cases can take years to clear just because we cannot see the effects of so many energies growing in mass inside us.
This is just a story of what happened. I can’t tell a straight story anymore, I think, because there is no straight lines in the maze of amaze of life. It is only in the net physical world that we walk a straight line- I think it is just the base folded- like a hub that shoots lines to places in the universe. Who knows, maybe when I die I’ll be splattered to gazillion pieces throughout the universe coz I have been in so many places already. Just a thought, devoured is 5 seconds, no theories or ideology necessary.
Realities have shifted, some gates closed, others opened. Maybe it is just my life moving along like a river, and whatever was dropped into the water somewhere in the upper stream is now found down closer to the shore.