I think seals and shapes in space needs a trilogy, yes, one book is not going to cut it but then, it is going to make one heck of a boring trio.
So just like a good seal, I am going to condense and see what happens.
What I am doing here is making connections between my own experience and observation of seals and symbols. For a long time, I have been looking at mystic knowledge, and for a long time that knowledge was mostly a theoretical mystery.
Rerouting course
To be completely honest, after one night experience (2/23/23) I am not sure if what I know is suffice for my handle on energies. I am like a kid that was shouting at the adults (for years, I might add) that they should treat me like an adult, and when I ran from that protective home and became an adult, well…grunt grunt…”where are the adults when I need them?!”
A story-
In 2007-8, just before I went to India for few months, I was talking with a Tibetan Master.
- Do you see the tree above you? He asked
- No
- Oh. Okay, you have a tree above you- you know what it means, right?
- Oh. It means family stuff. You decided to travel, you need to go.
- Okay.
Yes, a dumbdumb conversation with someone who thought I can see and was surprised that I couldn’t. A week later, I realized what he was talking about. What I couldn’t fathom is how did he make the connection.
Today, I can see. Some things are pretty forward, and I get them, but some things…, oh, how I wish to have a Master to whisper in my ears, and if he did- that night I needed it louder and comforting. Instead, I cuddled with my dogs.
It is why I took my time and didn’t write. I needed that time to digest what the pictures are trying to tell me. I don’t even know if I am ready to talk about it since it is so fresh and still active- so I am just going to say few things about it:
I was woken in the middle of the night; it happens to me a lot, I am used to it. But this time was different.
Something took over my sight and showed me three pictures. When I tried to move my eyes from one picture, it took me to the next- like cards. Boom, boom, boom. None of them was fun to watch or comfortable to feel.
The next night it was as if hell broke loose. I have been shown a gate that was transferring loads of crap, low beings, trippy imaginary things that I haven’t seen in my life. [Just FYI, I don’t touch any altering mind stuff, and I don’t smoke pot. Nada.]
I realized what is happening on certain levels. It feels like a clearing. I am not sure it is for my private universe only.
And when I tried to write about it, a song came (maybe a song), here it is:
The water is rising- it is covering the earth.
Release your final thoughts and breathe.
You are ok. You are good. Yes, you.
You are loved the way you are, right now.
It is now.
Pay attention, the future is nowhere but in every step you take.
Be wise, feed love so it will feed you back.
Be wise, where you look is where you are going.
Be wise, don’t look back.
Be wise, hear but don’t listen to the masquerade out there.
Be wise, you don’t have to outsmart- ride above the brain lane.
Be wise, feel, lean back and rest as you are being carried by your mother-
the crystal ship
Be wise, drop the ball it is not yours to carry.
Be cleaver feed the moment to move like the magic that created you.
Be centered like the point of the sword that cuts through the veil of illusions.
Be real without pretense of extra fluff of wanabe
Be all together and you will be revealed.
It is coming now. One moment.
Well, I didn’t expect the seals to turn to a poem. But it is not a poem. It is a message.
I am going to leave it like that and come back for part 2 real seal, real soon.
I'm fascinated by your experiences and how you write about them, Eden. And I sure love geometry too.
Your conversation with the Master had me in stitches.
And I was just re-watching the Diva Song scene from the 5th Element 2 mornings ago as well. Synchronized!