When I started writing, the goal was to talk about seals.
One of my qualities is to aim straight to the target I have in mind- shoot in a straight line, just to find out (time and again) that straight lines might as well be imaginary. They are possible, and they are showing themselves all around me, and yet.
And yet, my mind works differently. “Hold on” I say to myself, “how did I get here? I have no idea…the steps don’t add up. How do I connect this point to where I want to be?” and the next thing I know, I am there. Some people will call those jumps quantum.
The only way I could understand quantum is by simplifying it. I see two visible and apparent worlds; one is analog, and the other is digital.
One is moving like a wave and the other looks like pixels.
One is round and the other is square.
One is art and the other is a computer chip.
One is a turtle in the ocean and the other is a jet ski.
And here comes the incognito. ‘I am this and I am that’. I am here and I am there. On the jet ski taking a ride with the turtle. But there is no one turtle and there is no one jet ski. Quack.
From the beginning.
I am going to say something that everyone knows: we live in a universe that nothing is as it seems. Nothing. And I will add my quarter and say that when you think you found the under current, the hidden, the something behind the ‘as it seems” – you only found one more sheet of paper in a library with endless rooms.
So, I started writing, thinking I know it, and found myself in a stream of new insights as I write. It keeps on changing and shaping with visions in my head that I have to scratch and start over and make changes to some of my writings to bring the new nuances and adjustments to my original idea.
People are using seals for ages. But what are they? Doorways. Configurations of a concentrated key to somewhere. Where? I don’t think I want to know where every door is taking me. I could never understand wicca and the need to use it, for example. Opening a wormhole into a place that the writing on the seal refers to. Shivers.
Our universe is not so simple. It is stacked with layers in every level, every size, and every direction you look at. It is if there is no end to the complexity of the structure of that thing we call universe.
We are also using symbols. A symbol is a small shape that holds condensed information. This information represents something tangible that may expend, again, to a whole world.
One example of symbols is letters. I write ‘DOG’ and you have a picture in your mind knowing what I am talking about. Simple.
BUT, in a higher octave of a living universe, when you think about a dog, the dog is aware of you because you are transmitting substance towards it, and you meet in ‘no time’ space. Of course, if you know the name of the dog, it helps:) but in any case, the essence of the ‘dog world’ is paying attention.
Do you think it is an exaggeration?
No, it is not. And the next question is: what is it that you call forth without awareness? Just a thought.
We are in a time that we are talking about intuition and extending our feel with it. Intuition is wonderful, yet it is just the beginning of our abilities. Because it can be completely changed with telepathy or instant appearance of your thoughts/wishes. What I am saying is that intuition is translated to essence-
Why did this thought appear in my mind? How did it come to my mind? Why did I think about this person (or thing)? For example, If I am standing in my space and I am concentrated in what I am doing- let’s say I am cooking and listening to Joe Rogan with Eric Weinstein (fascinating, btw). Suddenly my sister comes to my mind. Two minutes later she calls.
This is intuition.
On a higher living state, when we are all aware and kicking high vibe, the phone call is going to be obsolete because my sister would think “Eden?” and I would say, “yes, I am available sis”- and she will appear holographically in my space and I am in hers, and we will have a conversation. Yes, in ether.
This is how we are going to live in 200-300 years in the future. Ok, maybe 400.
Another example, I have a field of berries and I need to water it. I would think about a cloud- connect to it on the deepest levels of my being, not with the mind, and the cloud will come with his friends to water my berries. This is going to be second nature and nonchalant.
This is Christ consciousness on top of the mountain. This is humanity in real spirituality, in real life, mixing physical and spiritual energies, living on all the levels of the Beings that we exist in. because we live inside a being. (I will talk about the hologram another time)
Today I had to do my taxes. Here I am writing those long lists of expenses, and I am not sure what was passing through my mind but instead of going for the calculator, I went for google assist. I said, “calculator”, and google assist said, “here is calculator” and opened the calculator that I could open myself. I started laughing because for a second there I thought I can read the numbers to google assist and it will calculate it for me. We are not there yet.
Think about a universe that looks like a Swiss cheese but tastes better. And the holes in the cheese are gates and beings. The fabric of the cheese is molecules of water that connects everything. (What do you think about my wavy turtle now?)
Where you want to go? What you want to do?
But wait there is more.
If I shut my chatter up for eternity and align all my being into one point- that brings a focal point.
That focal point is like singularity. So, you have a center and event horizon that makes a singularity. That is a field of quantum. This field doesn’t play only inside itself, that would be boring. It shoots out through connectivity, and also changes places. (There is always more).
Imagine the Swiss cheese that I mentioned. A universe that is a singularity holding many other sizes of singularities. Babies that managed to hold their own individual pull.
It is a canvas of many black holes. A singularity is what is in the middle of that pulling power of a black hole. You can’t get into a singularity without unified field- and you cannot unify your field if you got issues of sorts.
Let’s talk about Beings, entities.
People are looking at earth like a huge magnet. It is a being. It is a being that grew beings that grew beings. Layered up on top.
It is the opposite side of light field. Every singularity has its opposite side- inner side. A black hole is also a white hole. You can go outside to the universe by going down (with your consciousness) inside earth or by going up.
We live in a parallel universe. Because of quantum and because of black holes. You turn it inside out and heaven is revealed. Or hell, what do I know?
But I do know. I have been putting out fires (of my own hellish separated creations) for a long time until I realized that it is unnecessary to remain stupid.
The Swiss cheese is coming to earth, I think. This is why earth was made. It took a while… and it is going to take a while longer to fill the spaces with gazillion people- for them (me included) to do as they wish.
In our short history most of us had very little awareness of the universe in our life (the multi-layers and other worlds because it is stackable) but it is changing rapidly for many individuals, and sometime in the future humanity won’t be able to deny it because other dimensions and portals will be visible to the naked eye. Some say we are moving to the fifth dimension, and maybe it is just terminology, but I don’t know what fifth means per se. In my eyes, there are many dimensions at the same space (outside of the spheres)
A story-
In 2019 a spacecraft in the size of my huge bedroom, showed up to give me information.
I opened my eyes, and the room was full of light. I thought it was morning and I started getting out of bed. It wasn’t morning.
I stopped on my tracks when I saw the bright light is moving, it was noisy too. I have to admit, it is one thing to have a chat in your mind with imaginary friends that feels too reals, it is a whole different game when they come to say what’s up.
It woke me up, to say the least. Some of the purpose of it was to say, ‘we are with you’. It was two months before the madness of the pandemic started.
They didn’t talk, it was all transmitted telepathically as images into my head and just as it left, it dropped a long glowing sword or cross (or both) in my room.
The light lifted and moved out of the room throughout my window. As it did, I saw what it was. I knew what it was, I saw it before. I felt that if I was fast enough to react, I could have left with it. But I wasn’t, and I probably couldn’t. One day I will.
I was wondering if there was a witness on the street that could see it leaving through my second-floor window because it was so real and tangible. What would the neighbors think? Can you imagine me thinking, “oh my goodness, I hope nobody saw it”? afraid of people asking questions…
That was a flower of life spacecraft. That night I had a lot of coin tokens falling into place in my head.
Isn’t a flower of life a seal? Of course it is. The seals of all seals, if you ask me.
Any closed shape is a container of something in the spirit world.
Or a door. I think we are all walking gates.
The natural is shapeless. Chaos.
The natural in our universe is an order of spirals: The wave, the circle, the dot, the spirals. Look at earth, it is all spiralic in growth. The Fibonacci spiral. Everything is fractals. The crystals inside the earth were slowly created with time and beings.
Everything is a being. Everything.
The made-up shapes are not natural. The square, angles, triangles all the way to multiple whatever lines-shape you can think about. It doesn’t mean that they are not good, it just means that they are made by beings. They were created by beings that added their journey into the evolution of the universe. So, it is really, advanced. Showing growth.
Think about the Sri-Yantra 9 triangles above and 9 below. These are eons.
It is the layers. The connections, the story. The dimensions. The beings.
The universal beings are the craziest thing I ever discovered. When I first found god, the joy and ecstatic living was beyond my expectations. I knew there is another place, and I knew that I am like a ray of light that shot all the way here to start walking like a human on earth. I mean, come on, it’s awesome. Yes. I am one of those people that once in a while looks at her hands and think, “oh, hands, I got them”. It is a phenomenon to me.
I didn’t think that there can ever be more than that. Who needs more? Well, there is so much more. No wonder we don’t remember most of the small stories of our soul. We don’t have enough brain cells in this little body to contain it all, and occasionally you need to do a spring cleaning, sort out the closet of your brain:
Eating shawarma in Tel-Aviv? No. The name of the uber driver? No. Past life in Japan? Just the outfit and the legs. First kiss? No. No? No. Walking like a duck after that night in the army? Yes, yes, I’ll keep that memory. Pile it into my black hole.
The universal beings are hard to explain but maybe easier to see.
Some of the ones we call aliens are not aliens. There are no aliens. They are from the early times. And they are like collectives in their own galaxies, a constellation, or even another universe. They went through their evolution and understandings because they are older and came before us. They have their pull, the technology. I won’t even dare to say quantum because some beings are so advanced that we don’t have the terminology or the brain to understand it. They don’t interfere with us.
The ones that work with us is our central sun. Those beings are huge, they hold a lot of space, and inside this space there are many beings. Some of them are not residing in the central sun because there are many more suns in our cosmos. They look like mother-ships and they have individuals inside them. Think about the individuals like shuttlecrafts. Shuttle crafts are beings, like humans but not necessarily. I had interaction with few beings that every time I think about them I feel as if my heart is in a shpagat position going through another evolutionary process. I do it in small increments, so I can live another day.
For example, the order of archangel Michael is a mothership that has many people that are involved with earth. Michael is an order inside an Order, and there is the being itself, Michael- he is planetary. I swear I didn’t invent it. All archangels are planetary beings. Meaning manifesting into human body, but not necessarily.
Every planet in the sky has its quantum field. This whole universe has a parallel.
I know that it is a little out there, and maybe I don’t describe it as well as I wished to bring a clearer picture, and to many people this may not be so practical. But to many of us on the planet today that are working to refine ourselves, that are putting our heart in everything- I am saying, there is so much that is coming. And I’ll keep on talking about it.
To be continued.
I’m one of those people that look at my hands and go, “huh, look at these hands I got,” too!
I love what you write because it seems shocking and “out there” and yet it’s laid out naturally and without any air of superiority. What I mean to say is I believe you and I’ve seen enough myself to know the unusual nature of meeting entities - it’s hard to describe and yet you constantly take a crack at it 😆
I’m fascinated by anything that brings me into contact with infinity, excites me into thoughts about the bizarre and incredible structures of the universe. You continue to bring me to those spaces, Eden. Thank you!
I look forward to Part 3!