Some background-
I am coming from the Jewish lineage. There have been many splits in this lineage, like any. I prefer to be called Israelite, or just a citizen of the planet, and not to relate myself to the religion- it didn’t start as a religion. I believe there is a malfunction in every religion. All I can say is that I am clean and clear from any religion substance (I respect other people personal choice in religion, but not authority). Quack n’ duck. Thank goodness the mystic river lives on a higher ground.
I know my ancestors very well and we are playing the same tune here.
There are 22 letters in Hebrew. 22 is a master number of the builder in numerology because of the Hebrew letters. In Hebrew, every letter is either an element, or a combination of elements.
Everything that is written in the Kabala is almost identical to the Tibetan mystic knowledge, and to the native tribes of both Americas, Australia, and Africa (I only mention the ones I know). They are all different presentations of the same spirit.
It is the teachings of fusing matter and light. I think that some South America’s and African’s tribes kept true to the living spirit because they were untouched by modernism until not too long ago. Today, even the deep amazon villages, and I was in one, are touched in some way by modern society. But modernism is here, and it does have its place.
I have a friend that hates the modern society. I understand it, but I don’t share her view. Sorry, I like the push of the button kind of ease. I lived in a tent for six months, every shower was an orchestrated event (yes, in this lifetime). On the other hand- for example, years ago, I saw a video that was talking about the beginning of the production of bread, the simple white fluffy bread, and the contribution of the mass production to eliminate hunger. I guess it is a perspective when things are so far disconnected from reality, while the disconnected is creating its own reality. What I mean to say- we did build cities, we did have population explosion, and we did need bread on a mass scale. Did we do it while asleep? Of course. Maybe while growing up is a better way to say it.
A story
I had a jewelry line- it vos goot.
I was always fascinated by symbols. In 2008 I designed a bracelet with different symbols on it. There is something in my system that brings everything in batches. Here is 72 symbols, here is 64 oracle cards, here is 24 necklaces, here is 12 chaotic canvases, here is 17 spaceships, and here is 26 light beams- all at once, and once in a while brewing in my living room. When it rains, I tell ya.
At one point I started making some of king Solomon’s seals for my bracelets line. Before I started drawing the seals, I was debating which seals to add to my line. I was guided.
-“Not this one”
-“This one is for such and such, no need...”
-“This one is ok.”
No hello, no hi my name is…, no.
-“excuse me, sorry…who…”, whispered I
The voice said, “Solomon”, (we are talking in Hebrew in my head) and I thought, nah, no can be.
I listened to the advice, but I dismissed the idea that that huge being is talking to me. Never mind that everybody and their sister are channeling someone these days- but it wasn’t ‘these days’ it was 2011 or 12, feels like a different lifetime.
A funny story from the time I was selling the protection seal of Solomon:
Someone wanted to buy the seal and contacted me to ask about the name written in the middle of the seal as if the seller should know… before I could answer, she made her own research and came back to me saying,
“it’s a demon!”, of course, she didn’t buy it- but I replied,
“It is in the eyes of the beholder…you say potato and I say potahto”, thinking to myself, oh boy, it wasn’t me who said potato… lol. If you are wondering why the world is a potato, wonder no more. I am innocent, I swear.
Being serious, I have a lot to say about it, but hey.
The name Solomon translates from Hebrew to peace, and to wholeness. In a more accurate kabalistic look, it is: Her Peace, and Her wholeness. So, if you wonder about his love songs in Song of Songs, he was talking about the great mother and her reflections.
Imagine a man completely awake and aware, realizing that he is in the wrong time, but in the right timing. Dang it. That’s basically Solomon. He went from love songs- writing Song of Songs to total depression in Ecclesiastes towards the end of his life. By the way, Ecclesiastes is Kohelet- Solomon’s other name. And in the middle of his glorious life, he created the seals as a presentation of the energy of the beings as he saw them. But not only.
His Father, David- translates to Beloved in Hebrew- lived on the same soul of the first Adam. Adam lived 930 years and left 70 years to come back as David to bring the glowing knowledge of the Kabala, and to prepare for the Messiah. Yeshu, Jesus.
So, while David had to fight to establish his line- Solomon was the unifier of energies, the builder- the son of man. The continuum of the first soul.
There is so much to say about this blood line that I left it for another writing. I called it no less than Yehova. Yahweh, yes, yes. I sharpened my sword for this one, quack, quack.
Solomon was a traveler of portals, a seer, a visionary, manifestor, teleporter, and telepathic. Crazy. He decoded the intricate energies of the stars in the solar system, and beyond. He saw the essence of elementals and worked with them. All the seals of Solomon are drawn on flower of life structure, besides few. The Kabala (the glowing book) has many references to David and Solomon because their writings were coded.
The thing is that we are in a different time, this is why the seals are so popular. So, we can use those energies, and understand them.
In 1993 I met a crazy man in Israel. So crazy that I couldn’t have enough of his company. I was gently stocking him. Waiting by his door for him to come home to probe his mind. We became friends, and he left Israel to go back to Colorado. In 1998, I came to visit him in Colorado, and stayed for other reasons.
On July 5th, 2005, Nasa bombed a large asteroid, just to see if there is water inside it. Go figure. Same time, same second, on earth, my best friend died. I know it is a stretch to understand the connection between bodies outside of here and bodies inside the atmosphere. I know it is hard to grasp. But when I saw the Asteroid picture in a magazine that stumbled to my hands because I don’t read magazines, I just knew it was his death.
He was my awakener. The guy who nodded his head at me as if to say, how can you not see it? Oh, I worked so hard to see that by 1996, I saw it alright.
The reason I am writing about him, is to kill three birds in one stone- it is to say, forms are not what we think. It is to say thank you my brother for giving me a headache. And it is to say that this was when I started drawing images on Flower of life. Although it took me years for those images to come alive so I can grasp them.
I think in a way, the world wasn’t ready for so much confidence manifested in awakened one person. There are many people with confidence, but as David Bowie said it, “it is just the power to charm, modern love”. My kin knew he is going to have an accident, but he didn’t know that his son was conceived by my sister just before he left us. He wanted a son so much. Did you know that confidence is unstoppable?
With the divide of bodies, they sell you ego, high-self, lower-self- you need to be perfect. Do you now? I don’t know. All we wanted is to drink tea in a cold winter day in the Rocky Mountains, and talk shit.
“Ask me who I am now?” he said,
“Who are you now?” I asked,
“I am king David!” he said, and we roared laughing.
“Ask me… come on Eden, use your imagination girl” he said.
“ok… where are you, idiot?” Said I
“On Jupiter. Where else can I be! …ha...fuck it. More tea?”
No, he wasn’t crazy. Super charged with two master’s degrees, a regular person with a house, job, and many people who loved him. [I debated if to install his picture here, and decided not to.]
When we make a seal, we describe energies or manipulate them. I find that it is always the intention and the state of the being behind it that really gives the seal. Discernment is a must.
Do all the seals makers have the energetic capacity of Solomon, of course not- not even close.
Does it make a difference if conjure of energies are made by occult sorcery or by divine connection? To my opinion, yes. It is a degree of a soul integration- using wicca is using borrowed energies. But then, don’t we all do it? I make seals, and I use the flower of life that I didn’t invent- I didn’t even channel it. Of course, I don’t use an instruction book to conjure energies that I don’t understand (or feel) like wicca in many cases I assume, but still. Now, isn’t there a higher way to move energies?
Of course there is. There is Christ.
To me, Christ energy is a totality. It is the great one playing through us in a way we cannot do alone because it is not ours as individuals, it is but it is not- it belongs to It. And because of that- we don’t need objects.
Last note,
In order to come to a manifested world (earth) we have a road map- a seal. We traveled in the large bodies picked up whatever energies we were experiencing and dealing with- what is Neptune for me, is not Neptune for you. You get it, right? My experience on Mars, is not yours, and not Elon Musk’s obviously. Our astrological map has our road, a real road and its influences. And through the solar sun, we go out (the crown chakra). We return to where we came from or continue traveling. But it is always an exploration inside a larger being.
Think about wheels inside wheels of time when time is the size of a being. Some of them has no end- they can grow and grow. There are motherships, family ships, one being ships, two people’s ship. Different collectives, and places. It is your own life force that propels the vehicle of light. Your own life force.
To conclude?
Open the seal to space, as if you open a door- blow it up to all directions and find the beings it connects to. After all a seal is 2 dimensions. Pen on paper. Interesting, isn’t it? Flat anyone? Lol.
So much to say.
First, I loved every sentence of this. Had me locked in and feeling every bit. Fusing matter and light! For some profound reason that simply powerful phrase hit and settled something within me.
I agree, the modern times ARE. There’s no going back without a narrative of simpler times being “conjured up.” You pointed out this difference between conjuring up energy and receiving energy from divine connection.
For me I say, what do SOME modern conveniences in life do for us other than give us more time (meditation, rest, experiences of just being and bullshitting with crazy friends, etc.) to “grow up” into conduits for the Spirit?
Speaking of growing up. That line about industry and building up convenience being the remnants of the growing child of mankind, is right on. Love that.
You’re crazy friend sounded like a real looney! My kind of person. Magnetic and free—charm of graceful wit with some mud on it! I appreciate his story/connection/example.
You’ve taught me a lot with this, historical and metaphysical. I knew very little of Solomon and reading about him with your words was a treat.
You’re “batching brain” is similar to mine. When I tune-in I get batches of wisdom, 3 pillars of illusion, 5 pointy fence planks hindering progress, 7 ripples of doubt emanating from sense of self, etc. Different than your batches. But not so different, probably!
Thank you, Eden.
Hey, guess where I’m at now?
The moon. Kickin’ rocks!