I wonder why is it that spiritual, true spiritual knowledge is not mainstream? Why is it that we are not learning about the universe around us and about the human relation to it?
There are people who teach it, and many books about it, we have the knowledge, but it is mostly in the peripheries of society and never got to the mainstream schools. If you are a mystic, you are weird, well, I can’t blame anyone for thinking that because what comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘mystic’ is dark room with candles and tarot cards. But it’s not like that, there is so much more than this in the true natural state of being, to live in the mystery of life with awareness of the wisdom of ages.
How many times did you hear: you are a star? You are a crystal child? You are a light worker? You are in the image of god? You are a free spirit?
Yet, our school system never mentions anything close; if you are a star, you must be unique and you must go to Hollywood. What we learn in school is very specific to the mindset of the society and it is fairly new in comparison to the planetary age. This civilization invented a parallel society to our world and ourselves and is pushing us/our children to learn about it and not about nature. Chemistry and biology are the closest they get in high school, and philosophy teachings in college. But there are worlds upon worlds that can open in our being, traveling with our mind, healing, magical energies, are all available to the human being.
We can start somewhere.
For example, there is a place to teach about the chakra system,
the law of attraction,
the food we need to eat to be healthy-natural medicine to open our energy,
the law of economics,
the law of one,
the law of motion.
Some myth and its connections to reality would be nice, how energy is really working, and understanding the cosmos around us.
the geometry of life, and the connectivity of body mind spirit to the light frequencies inside us.
And while learning the bible, why not including all the mystic books interpretations for extra depth and understanding reality.
because they don’t know better.
Because the people in the system must listen to the ones that were hired by the system to make those choices, and those are not going to lose their jobs with great ideas if they have them, and they probably don’t have them because they were brought up by the system and chose to operate within it.
Spirit is natural. It is the container of consciousness which is memory and intelligence. We live on a planet that instead of working with its spirits, we are working against them most of the time, as if we have a total memory loss. Many people can’t see it, so it doesn’t exist, but what I am talking about is exactly that, we can develop it inside us, learn how to sense it, see it, participate inside it and with it.
There are many people who forget that they didn’t invent it. You and I didn’t invent the sun or earth, or a tree, or any of the nature around us, and the best we can do is reproduce.
I wonder if this is our next step? Cloning and AI?
How is it possible when we didn’t even scratch the surface with our own consciousness? I am connected to many beautiful people who are aware of their souls, and they are doing consciousness work to bring more of their true nature into being, but I am also aware of the society with a large ego that exist here too. The ones who want to control it and they are focused on the hive mind structure of society that we have around us. The ratings, the score, the first to be, the money to be made above all, the blaming. The chase for bigger, newer, and the conformity to the systems for ‘order, civility, and security’.
I think one of the reasons is the idea of scarcity that came with the building of the structure around us, and society has been doing it with a certain memory loss, slowly but surely bureaucracy tightly established. And the other thing is that if people would be aware of how easy it is to live as a part of the cosmos, and how liberating it is, then the structures that we all worked so hard to build is going to tumble. (I know I say ‘we’ a lot, I throw you and I into the pile of participation in this, even though there are many people who didn’t take part in building this society, and even if they did, they are working to build new)
If we are moving into the future without this inner knowledge of spirit, without understanding the larger plan, then where is it going to lead us?
We arrived at a crucial point where we can mimic life, we can change and modify everything around us. And the question is do we know what we are doing? Well, I don’t know what they are doing.
I think that technology is great, personally, I love it. I see it as means to make life better and easier. IA also means that we arrived at the ability to program and mimic life, and with this comes responsibility because we can get lost in a controlled society or we can use it in freedom. My question is how can we use it in freedom if we don’t know what freedom is? We have “as if” free society, but we don’t have a free society because true freedom comes with alignment with nature, with who we are. Dogs, bears and birds knows it by instinct.
I am also not saying that we need to scratch everything that was created by humans until now, I absolutely prefer to live in a nice cozy home with A/C in the summer and heat in the winter, to have a fridge and a stove, pc, and everything that comes with it. I am saying that we need to incorporate true living- the aspect of true human. It is a perfect time to do it since we have it all.
Life on this planet is simple. Plant fruit trees, use high vibration medicine, be cleaver about our energy, and sourcing natural minerals, give and receive, interact, and co-create.
Just an example, I listened to Joe Rogan podcast with Siddharth Kara (#1914 podcast if you are interested), a man that went to investigate the cobalt mining in Kongo. Maybe it is time for the big shots to take responsibility and have a better standard of business, get their heads out of the send and look at what they are doing- this imbalance is on us, it makes me want to throw everything that has cobalt in it but I can’t because it is in everything I use. A whole area that once had a source of living was wiped out because of the mining, and therefore forced people who live there to participate in the mining in worst conditions.
Another example, California has the ocean next to it, they can treat the ocean water and have abundance of as much water as they want to have. Israel is doing it, why can’t California do it? What stops them from doing it? Seriously, what is the reason to make water scarce?
Another example, hemp is better for just about everything. Why is it not a priority to make it the number one product for… you name it. Ah, we all know why.
Another example, why are we not using more atomic energy as fuel? People can learn from the mistakes that happened in Fukushima and Chernobyl, can’t they?
Another example, why are we not printing homes? Planting fruit trees in every corner and every street?
Who decided that the economy cannot change to free us from working for food and shelter? Here is an idea: you go do what you want and because we are all going to do what we want, we will support each other by exchanging ideas, art, crafts, services, and better products.
I know that from one hand I am talking about spiritual teaching, and from the other hand I am talking about the actual way of living. Why does anyone need to study the laws of the universe, become a spiritual initiate, a disciple of Christ consciousness, a student of god, and a master of energies?
Because there is no separation between those two. Because to say spirit is not connected to everything physical is to not understand what spirit is. I’ll take it further, ‘as above and so below’ is just a matter of frequencies and a way to explain that there is something higher.
Because when you devote yourself to the highest good, when you are in service of life, and you truly understand what you are doing to yourself there is no way back to the calculations of the lowest nature.