She said to me:
“I am not a normal person. I tried for a short while; it was boring.
Act according to the flute of the external rhythm of the world. To think about the future, to plan, to be on top of things. Shoot for success, get life by the balls, take control.
I am successful in everything I am doing but it is limited by my other life. Can’t do it all. Don’t want to.”
This year has been the best year of my life because my other life was pushing through and out to the world of existence. Colliding gently.
I have been traveling in the universe for quite some time now, or maybe not, maybe it is in the inner worlds- how should I know? If I meet the cutest creatures, how should I know if it is out there or in there? I can look for people like me and see what they are saying- but then, how do they know?
She said to me:
“By now I heard it all. My resilience of noise is a thousand. Although, while in it, in the noise, I am close to the world of suffering- and something in my mechanism, maybe my cellular god, knows its way around.”
My other world is my double. Years ago, I saw her coming towards me all smiling and beautiful. Open arms, soft glistering hair, shiny face, sexy mama. Identical but a better version. I was in the shower with eyes closed, and she came through a portal somewhere in the distance. The message was: show up.
Nah, I thought to myself, next life. Go back, I am too old now, and this thing is too beautiful to be me now. Fluff off.
I pushed it under the rug. Yeah. Because it is not fair. Come when I am 19, not 50! See ya later light cutey.
But I am terrible. If I don’t dwell in Lala land, I am a meat sack. My life is a moderated physical. Semi- physical. According to my food, 5 percent physical. Every time I eat like a normal person, you know, the regular stuff from the shelf I become a potato- no resonance. So I lifted the rug very slowly to pick at her.
There is traveling, and there is traveling-ling-ling-ling.
I started doing something different. Maybe crazy, a little.
I pushed myself out of the way, all of it: the light cutey, the dark haired flesh woman, the deeds, the thoughts, the frames. I imagined some light ropes and with them I scattered myself into the universe. Then, I called all the illnesses and the pain of everyone I could think of to me.
I’ll take it from you, all of it. I breathed it all in. And through the ropes of light, I asked the beings that I am connected to in the universe to heal it. They are huge and graceful; they can do it. What I saw opened my eyes to a greater truth. And it opened my life to more ability.
There are two things here- first is my imagination: you know, throwing a rope to the universe is a little out there, yeah? But- going into the penial gland and fleshing the light on and directing my attention to bring all sickness to me- anyone can do. It is what I did.
I am done with two. I am done with low and high. I am done with you and me.
There is only us all connected to all and all. And that is all.
There are people that are more aware, and people that are less aware- maybe. If we are all in a game that we play like a universal drama, and everything is from the same source- AND let’s say- I need to grow, me. Who would play the devil’s advocate for me to understand myself? to take me to my limitless? Someone that loves me enough to take himself down to this plane and play the role for me.
Yes, there are lots of stories about how this plane came about. I couldn’t find any story to resonate with in our large world of stories. Isn’t it amazing? I tried, I heard them all, I read them all. Nothing. Something in me knows better, and I don’t align myself with any of the stories.
A long while ago, 25 years or more, I had a vision that haunted me. It wasn’t the vision itself- but the question of where it came from. Today, I am more available in my inner worlds to know that it was from other beings that tried to get a message across. Help somehow. Sometimes I am thick, and sometimes they are thick. I am thick because I don’t always understand, and they are thick because in trying to wake me up from the dream of the flesh so I can dance in all the weddings, they managed to confuse a little girl that believed in something so different than reality.
We play.
Of course, some people can drive you nuts. Me nuts. For a second or two, an hour? Yeah. But they need the time to grow, and meanwhile, I go for a meeting in the ether somewhere- trying to educate my cute looking friends not to confuse anyone down here with too much information about home like they did me.
Kinda! Haha. Adoring your writing, Eden.