Something in me larks in the corner of my space, waiting. Once in a while it is coming out to check if I am ready. I can’t, I say. Lately, it stares at me with a discontentment, and everywhere I turn, there it is. Dang it.
It wants me to say things. Participate in a land that I lost touch with a long time ago. But then, every time ‘tap here to agree to the new Privacy Agreement Notice’ shows up in my phone I take a step closer towards my larking friend. Â
I used to be definitive and precise in my observations and action. It is either in the flow of the great spirit, or it is something that needs to be remedied. And while I still keep one of my clocks, the one I have without a choice in my car, on the summertime all winter long just to show my own flow and resistance to a bad idea, - I go with the currents of time and watch curiously what the world is doing- fitting my schedule to that clock that changes automatically on my ‘connected’ instruments.
What is transhumanism? What is it for? And can we handle it?
We have started transhumanism before planet earth, and not once. We have been splitting into two definitive camps in…, let’s talk about this galaxy, but it is universal. The divide was always between the ones who listen to source/soul and the ones who wants to control and therefore push with their personal ideas (ego) to where they think everyone should go. And the played card is knowledge, and therefore, power and control.
The questions I am asking is why would I want to know it all? We are born know it all. What is there to know? And what would I achieve with it? What am I here to do? Those question are existential to me.
If you asked me 10 years ago, I’d say, play. If you ask me today, I say, play slower, starch like a cat, never mind I have three dogs:) I thought the whole idea of paradise is to play and make beautiful things more beautiful, interact and get to know- what else would you do in a playground?
I heard the word transhuman for the first time in 1998. It was with a shpill of information about the mark of the beast, the chip, the end of times, the split of the atom (the atomic bombs) and the coming of some spaceships because of this rip; therefore technology. Spaceships all day long.
Loads of information that came from close friends, and you know, I got my first Nokia (cellphone) in 1999, so it was in order to dismiss most of the information while thinking to myself maybe they mixed up the timelines in their memories and it is not going to happen here. Maybe they are not so evolved as they think they are- those alien friends of mine- they were joking that I am a newbie that still playing in the jar with the lid closed…I really did think that it is something that happened on other planets because I had a whole different idea for the promised land.
Few years before that, I found an old bible in a flea market in Israel. This bible had the Old Testament and the New Testament in the same book, moreover, in Hebrew. In Israel, it is almost unheard of to have the New Testament with the Hebrew bible. So of course, I had to read it, and it was boring until I got to Revelations. Because I was already awake and knew that we are in ‘the end of time’ (at least one time), it stroke a high pitch cord of alert in my mind in such a way that I could see the story happening later. Remarkable.
Years passed, and just before life became almost normal, I started recalling memories with inner visions. Large universal visions that brought me a lot of missing pieces to the puzzle I was trying to put together for myself. I think it happened because I was reading a lot of Kabala and Tibetan books, trying to find something different than the available interpretations of others, and I did.
Then, in 2015 I went out of my body to a universe I considered to be a safe place. And what I saw confirmed my visions and completed my puzzle. That year, I had few weird episodes that two of them had to do with things I never seen before or after.
1.    I was living in the country, Kiowa Colorado. I went to sleep, and right before I fell asleep, I turned and opened my eyes. There were few figures standing in front of my bed. They were very slim with a unique large somewhat square head shape. They were vibrating almost into physical and not too glowing.
My mind went into turbo. I remember thinking to myself, ‘now what? Should I say something? Can they see that I see them? They look curious and lost. Can they influence me energetically? Are they related to me and I am not aware of it? Where are they from?’. I decided not to engage, and I turned again and went to sleep. I know, right? But they reminded me a spacecraft I saw in the year 2000, I was so excited that I could see them, and I reached out and I called them. They turned the craft around facing me, and when I tried to start a conversation, they turned right back and continued to their original direction. I was insulated. So, I guess, ditto.
2.    I was in Thailand, Bangkok. I was sick with some kind of a bacteria I caught in the water or food, and I puffed up like a balloon- it was terrible. So, I was meditating waiting my time to get to India and get myself to a hospital. Thailand didn’t feel like the place for a hospital, it just didn’t.
Now in this case, I don’t even know how it happened, I found myself out in space, and from a far I saw a spacecraft that I was curious about. My attention got me there very quickly (time is not real in the energy body), and I found myself poking my invisible head inside the craft. What I saw horrified me. It was a dark space with dirty green and blue lights, everything was metal, and many soldiers were walking in a formation and stopped in front of their officer. The officer was at least a foot larger than the regular soldiers. They had human bodies with white and gray metal uniforms, and their heads were something I never seen before or after (I say it a lot). Large, somewhat twisted head with ears in the size of the face itself. Everything about their face was wrong. The officer face was with menacing look, and he was shouting at the soldiers.
I freaked out and froze. Thinking to myself, ‘how the hell did I get here? If they see me, I’m in trouble’. So I did the only thing I know to do when I am in deep shit, I called the energy of love to come and save me. I just thought, ‘I need you now love, right now’. I don’t know how they do it, but out of nowhere many light orbs, two three feet large, different colors, covered me and pushed me back to my body. Bacteria, I tell you.
You probably ask yourself what transhumanism has to do with this.
A lot.
Many people think that we arrived in the golden age because we have the AI technology that will get us there. What they don’t understand is that we are the technology. And we have just now arrived at a place that we have never been before as a collective. It is freedom.
Imagine a man sitting in a cave meditating. Hardly eating, in the mercy of others to sustain him, looking for answers. Years upon years trying to open gates in his mind. Not us. We are born with those gates in our face, calling us.
We are in the beginning of exploring space, the space of god, the body of god, the big entity that we live inside it- the universe. And also, the little universe that is the human body/mind/spirit.
On the other hand,
The way I see it is so simple: everything that we are using in our lives is made of the available material on this planet. And everything that this planet is made of, came from space.
The formation of the material earth, not the flat earth, or the blueprint holographic earth, but the core and rock, and everything on top of it in the slow, ever so slowly time, took all this universal space to become. Imagine the work!
From the Master mind of the blueprint a wave of motion started to fulfill the blueprint into physical. This wave created formations of stars and planets much before earth. We all know that, right? Many of us are connected/remember our lives before and after earth. The truth is that everyone without exception have a life before and after earth. There is a reason for a loss of memory, but it is just a matter of timing for each soul because we are not all born into individuality at the same time.
Some of the souls, not necessarily humans, lost touch with their source of their being in such a way that they completely forgot themselves. In evolution everything can happen, we are not the first species that are going through the understanding of who we are. If you are technologically evolved, but not emotionally evolved, then you can abuse it.
So imagine, a group from another galaxy that arrived to the point of manifesting, from one hand, super technology, and from the other hand produced another group of beings that emersed themselves into the blueprint (spirit) because they have evolved and found a way to transcend. This happens because there was no agreement and understanding. And on that same galaxy/planet, the super physical technology beings were fighting for control and destroying their planet. There are many variations to this. Many. Look at how many galaxies we have in this universe only.
Actually, the ones who are strongly against AI are the ones who have bad memories from it. And the ones who go with the flow of it are too young to have a cell in their body to remember this. And the ones who are pushing (not all of them) for it are doing it because they are too far removed from the natural state. Twisted mind calls for twisted spirt- but they don’t know what controls it.
The creatures I have seen in the spaceship made me realize the devolution of beings that used to be beautiful. The felt angry, disconnected, unaware and trapped in a metal cage looking for home.
But earth is a love story.
On planet earth, we have both memories. This planet has been visited by many beings before humans, and while humans were still in their evolutionary development; each has left here something. Not everything that was left behind was left by evolved beings. Degrees of evolution.
In our planet, humans came few times. Different cycles brought different events, many of them are written all over the place in different variations- this is so chewed up story, that personally I lost interest. Some argue that the time of Atlantis is here again, and I say, whatever jig your wig- I don’t care.
But those cycles did a number on the psyche of humans because memory is never lost , it just transmutes itself into the inner layers of the mind. In other words, bliss and terror, god and the devil. The mind by the way, is a part of the body, just saying. Â
God indeed, and every time. But what is it?  Have you seen it? My parents said that calling it ‘it’ is fine by it. Anyway:).
I had a friend who died in 2005. He used to say, I don’t go with god or the devil, I go with Jesus. All I could say, is hey, love and light, body and spirit, trash my mind, let’s go.
We are on earth. we still have a lot to grow and experience. Obviously, society is in a muddy water these days. It is bewildering to me to see how the energies shift. How people are tripped to act with viciousness in the name of equality and love. And how others blindly choose a computer chip over a wallet. Or have Neuralink (computer brain interface) over browsing. What’s with the lazy? And why does it matter if you know the equation or not?
It’s all good because something else is happening. It is a community of souls that are high-fiving each other on the way to the playground. These souls know love and light, and soon the healing of the worlds will cover the universe and cradle the hurt. Give it time, 100 earthly ears is not a lot.
On the other hand, what would I give for a new leg for a friend who lost his? And how wonderful it can be if that interface can help a blind man see? Anything that we use for good will have good outcome- if we know what we are doing.
But we can never use it to centralize power. Information is tool for power. You can automate and forget the human factor. Stick a neuro bud in your ear to monitor you like a machine, so they will have the information of how much you moved today, and how productive your life is. For what? I don’t want to be productive. And who needs to be productive? Just the worker or also the one who oversees the worker? Am I allowed to daydream? Is it going to be in the break that my master provides? Or can I choose? There is a line in a song I really like: the country develops faster than my erection. It’s a sad song:)
There is plenty of room in the universe. If you want to transcend, be my guest, I am not the host here. If you want to chip yourself until you have to replace everything in your body with metal because your body will reject the none-organic, so be it.
But if you want me to participate, I suggest you take a hike all the way to Mars and stay there.
They see a mountain to mine, and I see the energy that was left behind by a being. They see a bird to shoot for fun; I see a being that left here essence. They see a mind to compute; I see the wheel of my spaceship. They see a star in the sky; you know the drill, well, unless it is moving fast. Don’t fall for it!
[Probably to be continued.]
Oh wow, this was a wild ride. So much here. You frequent the madness out there (and in here) across the universe. It’s an honor to read from a consciousness with no filter. Refreshing, to say the least. Ah, you’re contagious, I feel like I’m unconsciously writing like you 😆
Okay. Im Lark again, it’s familiar and comfortable hehe. From me, I want to say how connecting it is to read about your direct experience with entities. They are around me all the time, most of them are playing around, goofing off.
They introduce themselves with an emanation of colored light, a glow from whatever dimension/density they’re from. The colors give me a clue about their purpose/message. Each color of the chakra system, fortunately, so even when I can’t feel what the color represents, the dusty academic that is my mind comes in to cue me in.
I meditated for three hours straight a few years ago and I got to know some of them. The strangest thing happened when I pulled into their perspective, looking at me. They all saw me in a different form. The little forest-like creatures saw me as a big puffy thing that kind of looked like Kirby from those games, except I had white fur and I was bright as a floodlight.
The centurion flying creatures saw me as a Minotaur. It was a funny thought, thinking about my Minotaur form sitting on a toilet 😂. The only ones I couldn’t pull into were these smiling goblin type beings that hid away, always peeking at me from behind things. They were mischievous but not cruel.
Anyway, I had a very powerful friend look in to confirm the sight. She said she never saw such a thing before, so many creatures, all hanging out together for the same purpose, watching and waiting for me. When she asked them why, they either laughed her off or tried to ignore her. Two spoke to her. One said they’re just hanging out with me, that I was their creator. The other said they were waiting for me to do/say/shift something specific, and they wanted to check it out.
It’s all very mysterious and weird. That’s just how I like it. The trans-human piece is fascinating. In my handful of psychedelic trips I’ve come into contact with all kinds of machine-like beings and entities. Beautifully ornate metals encrusted with jewels, moving with such precision and grace.
Goodness can blossom from the machine, but I guess it depends on the original creators of those machines. Were they built in harmony with the universe or to dominate it. It’s all being expressed out there. We’re shifting into a good place I think despite all the mayhem. It’s all going on for us, to serve our growth.
I’d like to think that when everything shakes out, this earth will infuse love into all that it creates, and that the spaceships the future of mankind chooses come from within instead of reaching out into the physical plane. Who knows though.
Please continue this 👹