I thought it would be a good idea to post here part 3 before part 2 because even though part 2 is a better sequence to part 1, it is not going to be fully grasped without the information in part 3. I think.
Here I skip and return like looping.
It is fire water air and earth.
It has many variations and many meanings that comes with those variations.
It is a being. It is a collective, and what I mean by collective is certain consciousness. There are many collectives in the universe, and it is versatile.
We can look at Yehova as a merkaba. The merkaba the shape that is created by the being that is inside it. Inner glow. Creating the shape itself. It is the star of David when flat on paper. It is also in a shape of an atom, also in the shape of water. The seed of life is also seven circles, like Metatron.
And no, the Jewish didn’t steal the star of David from the Hindus; it is the same thing. The heart center.
The word is taken from Hebrew: Merkava. It means a chariot, vehicle, and it comes from the root word composition, like a puzzle that you put together, a combination of few energies that makes a chariot.
It is the pathway for stepping out of the lower dimensions, it is all it is for. A human star.
Yehova is the structure that its layers can be seen in sacred geometry. Yehova is not who but what, and also who.
It consists of 6 elements that makes the 7th element, and it is the vehicle of light. There are of course only 4 letters. I’ll get back to the seven.
As you can see in the picture with the letters I posted below, it is 4 Hebrew letters:
Yod Heh vav heh- all vowels - in numerology the vowels refer to the soul and consonants refer to personality.
It is like the medicine wheel
East west north and south
Fire water air earth
Fire water- yod (ya) hey (h)- yah- is father and mother. In spirit it is light and crystalline.
Those 4 directions of the medicine wheel are also,
Uriel Raphael Michael gabriel- each has a significant attribute, and they are real entities, large beings- a composition of many beings- energy type- different time from now when the body containers were larger- those beings finished their evolution and are on the collective side of things.
Uriel is from the father- it is light, Gabriel is mother, water, Michael is son and air, and Raphael is daughter earth and bones. Raphael means healing- so the cycle ends with the daughter when healing is happening, which has been happening for a while now- and activates everything.
More meaning for the letters:
Eagle cow lion man- these are the faces of the merkaba- the vehicle of light body. And they are also civilizations of different attributes of the ONE from different time lines- so what I mean by that is that for example, the Hebrews had eagle cow lion man, the native American tribes have different animals like bear, hawk, and buffalo, it is the same just different aspects.
Eagle and hawk, for example, are from the same civilization but they are bringing different attributes.
The thing to remember is that each culture has its own attribute to express. As the Native tribes were passing the knowledge through rituals of dance and stories, the Hebrews wrote it down.
And also each animal representing different time all in the past. Their directions are: the cow, is left, the eagle is behind, the lion is on the right, man in the front and the light is inside and above- and everything faces the human.
The 4 letters are also
Past present future and other times - there are actually many variations of time, and each is pockets of spaces- like components of structures … think of spaceships. It is very difficult to explain, but think about the universal space.
Father mother son and daughter - the 2 Heh are mother and daughter- because it is the physical- the structure- mother is water, and daughter earth blood and bones- of course, some will say that the water is different on earth- well, in the last 26,000 years- true because of the fall; earth became heavier. But it’s the same Heh- same structure.
Yehova is one that is all as you are made of all of it, you can’t impersonate the counter part of the earth, which, let’s not forget is made of all components of the universe. And when it knows itself
It is Shiva
It is Abraham
It is buddha
It is Shaman
It is Aboriginal
It is Shamballa
It is Christ
Each in their cycle holding all aspects of creation.
And many other good ones that are the keepers of spirit throughout time. These days, the energy of the old masters of the fire of the east are all manifesting into the west which is the daughter creating fire earth being- this is why we have so many great channelers today, and so much awakening in the western society.
If you take the a center and divide it to 4 directions and you take each direction and divide it to 3 you have the zodiac- 12. It is the mytria -
It means Umbrella in Hebrew- meaning all feeds into one and one feeds into all. It looks like a black hole; the singularity and the event horizon. If you know how a black hole, or a white whole depends on where you are looking from, is built, the 12 would be the event horizon and 13 point would be the singularity. A black hole is also in the center of our universe.
The 12 is also the 12 strand DNA. And it is really 12x12 that make the 144 from Revelations, that is going back to the magical number 9, which is 333- great spirit.
It is also the fifth element because the middle dot is creating the fifth. So you ford back the 12 to 4 creates fifth point like a pyramid. And 12 creates 13- this is the reason number 13 is sacred in the Hebrew, and inverted into unlucky in some cultures.
13 turns into 1- the face of man plus 3 animal images that surrounds him. Also, number 13 which refers to the 4 elements in the larger scale because each holds information of the larger being from a different era.
The work is to become the structure Yehova- meaning, it is the ultimate man, and before that the ultimate spirit- it is bringing the letters (which are containing light) into completion and creating the fifth dimension that is the next world. Coming up and in existence already. Each one of us is a whole universe that is completion and wholeness through individual experience. It fits the scientific theory of expending universe, isn’t it?
This is individual work and also collective. The collective is going to take a long time because it takes time, and we got time, all the time we need.
Now, connecting it to the seven:
It is the seven days of creation. The seed of life is seven, which is the blueprint. Think about the 4 letters as simple as the 4 elements fire water air and earth- or even up down and to the sides- directions-
The mother and the daughter have 2 elements each- the mother is water crystalline, and daughter soil\earth crystal. Look at the letter hey, it has 2 elements. The small element looks like the Yod that is fire- father.
The daughter belongs to the father and the son to the mother. Meaning: the fire bring light, and the air brings ether (crystal). Also meaning, the son brings the mother and the daughter that is the same like the mother once awakened brings the father. The soil is actually becoming crystal over time and heat. It has to do with the nerves system and the bones.
When I say daughter I mean female aspect of human. And Son is male aspect of human. Father and mother are the larger beings that have been here before and ascended to the whole, but also brough their aspect.
The star of David is made of 2 triangles each triangle is a tetrahedron- one for above, one for below and in the middle is the activated human.
When you complete the cycles,
fire- father- life started in the east-
water- mother- south-evolution-
air-son, north-development,
and west-daughter-earth- completion-
Those energies connect in the heart – when they do- the heart activates and sparks the nerves system- the kundalini- and you become a container of not only your consciousness but the collective’s.
The vehicle of one- One in zero space- when all comes together, as if collapses and ignite- there is no more future or past hence the one and zero - not computer- not binary. Many people look at 10 as a binary system, well, go invent a different number if you like. 10 is just fine.
I have seen many people that have nothing to do with Judaism that are Yehova because it doesn’t blong to the Jewish people. Universal knowledge belongs to anyone. Iti just the channelers that decided to not distribute it. Of course, Rabbis are responsible for those misunderstandings, and they are just falling into a very large category of controllers on this planet. We don’t need a Rabi or any middleman for a connection within ourselves and the creator.
I can tell you one thing from my experience of reading the book of the Zohar- the glowing book- kabbalah - don’t take the translation. Smile.
I have seen the abuse of the knowledge by keepers of it. All it is - is unaware people messing with stuff they don’t understand- what can come of it? Another religion… misunderstandings of the original and more control. You cannot look at 9D knowledge from 3D understanding coz there is no standing here. And of course, I don’t put all rabbis nor all aspects of religion in the same basket- there are always exceptional people.
The “entity” of Yhova is made of many, it is in the tribes, in the lovers, in the knowers, in air, in the water and in the earth. It is spirit that is not an individual, but it can be. And most of all, it is love. you cannot ignite without it.
There is another name, somehow forgotten- because people want to pray to something rather than be that something- I think it is a matter of taking the responsibility- if you change the letters position you have Havaya- literally means being. Which means embodiment of the physical in the now. Being.
I remember in my first few weeks here in usa, driving c 470 in Colorado coming out before Broadway exit into Lucent exist, there was a building with a huge sign called havaya, and it was for an IT company. How funny is that? Not funny-it was a shock to me- this is the opposite of what it represents, but this is really what is going on in the world when things are so inverted.
There are many different variations to the letters and those variations means different times and different spaces- as I said just like spaceships of different light codes- real beings.
In the bible, there are many rules. There are also many predictions. Those rules were for those times and had many reasons. One of the reasons is that it was written in code. The meanings are totally different from the simple words. Some of it is simple- For example, eating pork. It is only recently that people know that there is bacteria in pork. But there are many example. I have seen one that looked very wrong to me, but in the glowing book has a totally different meaning that has to do with connecting the soul to the body again. We were dealing with fallen energies and the need to understand and repair them.
Just know, that there are many levels to look at the bible- the kabala is a good book if you know how to read between the lines because there is a great deal of insertion of different energies to control the narrative.
I do have a point to all this- the esoteric doesn’t have to stay esoteric anymore. Actually, it must dissolve into reality.
The point is that we are in the time of embodiment.
Enlightenment and responsibility.
Total surrender. Total belief. Knowing without knowing. You completely transcend your personality into the understanding of truth and compassion and work only from there with no effort at all.
It is a simple act of being in love- and light shows up.
You don’t have to call it Yehova, call it Allah, call it mama, don’t call at all. But it is in the particles- it is the fabric, laced, hidden and dormant- yet a living GOD- bob Marley got it right. Then you know that it is your responsibility to awaken into your full self.