When I look at the history of the human evolution, I see different cycles and different densities.
I am a human soul that had the privilege to remember time and walk through it. Everybody walks through time. In the beginning, I fell prey to people who could think because I never had to. You ask me a question and I can point to the droplet idea that is an axiom but not really an explanation. Because.
And when I needed something- it would appear out of thin air. I don’t exaggerate, I never understood the word synchronicity. Until of course I had to experience it.
Some people say that we have boundaries of the physical. The only thing that has boundaries is your mind. Nothing else. Confined by your own restrictions. That’s it. And I say it as I am confined by it at this moment.
The pain of going through it is something I learned living with. So, I stretch my body. Acceptance. And maybe I understand Solomon because I feel we have something common. Out of my time and falling slowly into what I am not. Believe me when I tell you, it is better to hear the scolding of a wise man than to hear a moron’s song.
Years ago, I said to my sister that I am doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing in the spiritual area. While everyone is trying to grow and “get out”, I try to get in my body and hold on to this life, so I can somehow pick it up like a magician throwing a tiger with a flick of a finger. Stop looking at everything from concepts of spirit and get to the nitty gritty of life. To take it as mine but take it.
I have a memory from before earth. Over the years, I saw things in visions and dreams that turned my whole world upside down for a while. In some cases, I think it was a glitch, it felt like oops “she saw us” kind of thing because I managed to wake up in a different reality. And other cases were with the purpose of shaking me to send me looking for answers. Beings don’t appear for no reason.
I started sorting out visions because I realized that some visions are there collectively and beyond collective (if we can think about this one), and some visions are our own version of creation.
Illusions. Like dreams.
If I created my own version, impression of how the universe is, over the span of all my lifetimes. And those come to life in a certain vibratory spheres that is attached to me (because we have the creator’s components), encapsulated waiting to be manifested, as if collected- as I wake up to those vibrations… think about it. A whole group can wake up to the same illusion. (Mark my words:) And right there in between and out those spheres the real universe is waiting.
Well, it is fantastic, if we know what we are doing. And maybe all we need to do is collapsed the illusions of personal ideas of what is, in some way. What about collective illusions?
Of course, there are many things I don’t know, I am not the expert. For example, I never seen angels with wings like other people, but I also never anticipated to see them.
So, when worlds are so fluctuating, in and out, here and not here, and the plain is not level- I walk away. I turn to synced proper logic infused with truth, something must be there.
Is there something like that? I don’t know for sure. All I know, is that love turns the light on, and when the light is on you can see where you are. Ready or not, here I come…(Fugees:)
The story in short. As I see it.
In the bible there are two names that created human- if you go back to the first or second page of the bible, it is Elohim that created the world in seven days and created human, Adam- male and female in Elohim image.
אלהים Elohim (translated to upper ocean), is evolved soul from the beginning of the universe. It is the unmanifested substance of space. Consciousness.
After the seven days, the name changed to Yehova Elohim. And you can see the story of creating Adam again, only this time not a as Elohim blueprint and image (think of IMAGE as holographic universe), but from the physical.
The missing link is time and understanding the story outside of the compressed story of creation in the bible. Also remember that the creation we are talking about is assumed to be the universe- I think it is not- I think it is just this solar system. It starts at the point of the ‘big bang’ that is also just one creation, and this is mentioned briefly in the first page of the bible.
The seven days is showing the plan, the blueprint. But as the story in the bible is concentrated on earth, other things were happening in the universe. Elohim is a name that was given to the boundless and shapeless soul/light before it started splitting.
By the time it was completed, billions of earthly years have passed- think about the Darwin theory of evolution because the physical had to evolve. You know, gases and stuff needed to find each other to make big bodies in the night sky, to later come to earth and create little humans.
But we were here all along.
As the earth cooled off after collecting its mass, we were here. But we were not alone. Because beings from the stars and other bodies collected themselves and became denser before earth and without a choice, arrived here before humans materialized completely- before the bodies were ready. So, while we, humans, evolved in the ether of earth because it used to be much lighter- those beings already landed here.
This is an important piece.
Who are those beings? Some light beings, starhips collectives, some not so light beings.
You know the illusion of stars. Those stars are not there anymore a long time ago, it is just our atmosphere and the slowness of time because of density that we see it this way. It is the distance and velocity that creates the illusion that we see them. It is going to change again with time because we are picking up vibration/speed. Our sky is going to change.
The sky created hierarchy. Where are the humans? Where is Elohim? Evolving. Elohim partitioned itself. It is all here. It is just like the seed of life, from the first circle came the second, from the second came the third and so on. Seven days. In every cycle masters were born, souls collected. The tower of souls: from one to three, to four, to seven.
By the way, it is the reason of the seven seals of each body in our solar system in Solomon’s keys. I think there is a direct connection to the fact that the moon only has six seals and venus has five seals- just something to play with.
We were here since the earth was formed. Before Lemuria, before anything. Like a baby that is hovering above its mother’s belly waiting for the body to ‘cook in the oven’.
But the body wasn’t so cooked, and while humans evolved, star beings were here already. The first humans were unisex- this is the first creation. It took a long time to solidify the body to one sex or the other- this is the second creation.
To clarify: first creation- adam-eve, unisex- vibrational light body. Second creation- adam and eve- two people-physical body.
For perspective: from the first creation to the second creation of human (from Elohim To Yehova) about million years have passed. The garden of Eden was before the solidifying- before the second creation. Yehova Elohim is the same Elohim, but all those millions of years later. Elohim manifested into its vehicle Yehova. To some extent in its partitioning.
The conflict story in the bible NEVER happened.
What happened is that the masters knew that we are going to get denser and denser- more solidified and forget our connection to the rest of the universe. So, they left behind something that will remind us. Not everything went as planned.
This is millions of years. It was a long time until Lemuria and Atlantis civilizations formed. And those civilizations, each for its own reasons eventually declined. They started great, and they turned to something else because those beings (us) couldn’t stay fluid as the material on earth kept on solidifying. Lemuria was covered by lava, and Atlantis by water. Interesting. Fire and water. These are the energies that were manifested in those cycles.
Now, humans were under those beings, sort of. Because they were here before us. They knew things we didn’t incorporate in our mental bodies yet. But those beings took the shape of the human body, as well. They stayed on earth and eventually died here.
To clarify: imagine large bodies of light having dominion on the smaller bodies of human- this is not good or bad- it is how it was. Collectives from the universe pushing their intent on the physical.
There was a reason for this solidifying.
Forgetfulness. Misunderstanding of the concept. Learning. Procreation.
In trying to create individualization of human bodies, the persona came to expression. The duality, and the seeing things outside of yourself. The less you see the connection and the molecules of spirit between you and everything/everyone else the more contracted you become. Alpha-bet of material/spirit. Love slowly turned to fear.
The mare creation energies started turning on itself.
The upper worlds were closed naturally over time. If you cannot see the ether because of density…you know. And when beings started talking from their persona thinking it is the Will because they are used to things to be this way… things started getting messed up.
The dragons had to create portals to insert the energies of Elohim into earth. Because the vibration was lost. The light was in peril. This all happened after Atlantis.
After atlantis, Noah’s time, things got very heavy. And souls that came here couldn’t pick themselves up to go back home because they got too attached to their persona- incarnations started. Those incarnations clogged up the ether. That was the crisis that brought the next age.
The whole system had to be introduced to humans, as memory was lost- the crystalline broken. 3 fathers (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) as three pillars of right, left, and center(good and bad and balance), and the 4 mothers represents the cube the holding container daughter, 12 tribes, represents the DNA. After that came the kings, the prophets, and here we kind of are. Each has a specific code in it.
In the process of destruction of Atlantis many things were disturbed.
Whatever happened after Atlantis was simply a boomerang. There is no one to blame. No one knew this can happen but some anticipated it as it progressed. When I saw it, I understood it as learning process and realization of power.
Earth is beautiful, the inner earth is beautiful. The trapping of souls inside earth was maybe not known. I don’t know. What I do know is that the laws of the universe stand.
At that time, there was no being that is “Yehova”, not until Jesus. It was all transmissions. The same thing that happened in every cycle happens in this one too. What’s the difference between Aztec that sacrificed humans in the end of Lemuria’s time, or the genetic engineering of putting a head of a human with a body of animal in end of Atlantis time, to some people who is trying to control the world today with tech by dissecting the physical and cracking the code? Or to some rabbis that decided that knowledge is for the chosen only and with that, confuse oneness with one entity to pray to?
This all happened before earth and on earth. And the difference is just memory. A monistic god is ego and interpretations- but this is also something that was in the memory of man from before.
Everything we see today is layers of the same thing different age.
There are always people who grow in light and people who are lost in their own world. The choice to listen and the choice to not listen. The choice to remember yourself from other times and the choice to repeat. And I mention here the illusions of collectives that I said in the beginning. The individuality give a being a chance to be different, do something else, correct, change, and understand what was done as a collective and remove itself. Because there is no more collective “punishment” you can stick a head of a cow on your body, and you will be the one that carries the consequences alone and not bring a catastrophic event on others.
All we are doing here for ages was waiting for our bodies to remember, our consciousness to move beyond the density. Break the seal of the heart, to unify with our other worlds.
A painter can take paint and pour it on a canvas, and if he doesn’t like it, he can scrape the paint and start from the beginning. Now imagine that this is exactly what happened here on earth for billions of years.
Creation after creation was scraped from the face of the earth- intelligences buried in layers, or stayed in the atmosphere, shifting, and adjusting to the vibration they found themselves in. There are multiple intelligences and beings that are invested in earth. We are standing on a huge magnet that is not only conscious but multiple.
Love story.