Son of the Night and a friend to the Muses. Married to the deity of hallucinations, and all their sons are dream keepers of sorts, including Morpheus.
What a perfect name for my podcast.
The Tech is the serious part of the name because here I am sharing specific practices of healing that combines few methods together through hypnosis and meditations.
The idea is to adopt the Hypnos family to practice yoga of the mind, to activate the energy body- to Heal, awaken, and unify your energies into a new reality.
I hope you join me.
Hypnos is the god of sleep in Greek mythology.
Son of the Night and a friend to the Muses. Married to the deity of hallucinations, and all their sons are dream keepers of sorts, including Morpheus.
What a perfect name for my podcast.
The Tech is the serious part of the name because here I am sharing specific practices of healing that combines few methods together through hypnosis and meditations.
The idea is to adopt the Hypnos family to practice yoga of the mind, to activate the energy body- to Heal, awaken, and unify your energies into a new reality.
I hope you join me.